Sunday, December 12, 2010

Employee Retention Process and Your Marriage...

By Sanjeev Himachali
For me, weekend is a time to think and be creative. So, this weekend, I got the idea of linking "Employee Retention Process" with "Successful Marriage". First I thought that people will laugh and may give nasty comments, but I don't think that there is any harm in sharing the idea. Let me ask two questions to you:

1.       It is whose responsibility to retain "good employees" and work on "Retention Process"; The Department Head, the HR Department or the Management?
2.       When the retention process actually starts?

Do you know, "Retention Process" is related to "Successful Marriage"? The relation of "Employer-Employee" is like a marriage.
Sourcing and Selecting the Candidate - Wooing the Girl

Retention doesn't start from the day person join your organization. Retention starts from the "Interview Process".

1.       The way you carry the interview
2.       The practices and processes you use to interview candidates
3.       The selection tools that you use
4.       The communication processes that you adept to interact with the candidate
5.       The steps involved in the selection process
6.        Number of hours you made this person to wait
7.       Time you take to issue the offer letter
8.       Hassles and problems you create to give the offer and appointment letter
9.       You need to convince the person as what your company is having that others are not having?
10.    What is your competitive edge? What type of future or growth that person will get if he decides to join your company?

Each of these factors decides the time this person will stay with your organization.

Read the complete article at:

Orientation and Induction – Your Engagement

Now, it means that the girl has said YES to you, is interested in you and now you are engaged

After sourcing and selection process the next important thing that might affect the "Retention Process" is the Orientation Process (It generally continues for 30 days). Remember, you are still in courtship.

1.       The way you welcome your new employee.
2.       The way his team members treat him.
3.       The information you provide to him.
4.       Which senior managers interact with him?
5.       Setting the clear expectations.
6.       Criteria to measure the performance; in brief, job description, KRA's; Performance Criteria; Performance Management System; Performance Evaluation; Reward System; Career Planning
In total, the comfort level that you extent to this person.

Just like your engagement, where it is important to decide as what is expected from each other.

1.       If both of them will work or not
2.       If both are working then how they will share the household responsibilities...who will take care of cooking, cleaning, washing; who will take care of kids, their homework, their school commitments, who will keep the track of their growth in school; who will take care of grocery and other day-to-day expenses; who will take decisions related to other investments, house, car, holidays etc
3.       What is expected and what are the things to be avoided?
4.       If both are working...then they should not have any other commitment for the weekend.
5.       If they will be staying in a joint family or separately

Read the complete article at:
On Job - Now you are married

Now, at last you got married and have decided to stay together for the rest of your life. Getting married doesn't assure you that you will have a successful marriage. You have probation period, which in companies is usually for 6 months to one year and in married life is 5 years. If you have been successfully married for 5 years and the ship of your marriage is smoothly sailing in the ocean of life then it will take something like Tsunami to happen to rock you ship.

Similarly, if an employee has successfully spent 5 years in your organization then it should take something really big to happen to break that relation.

1.       Breach of trust
2.       Bankruptcy
3.       Enormously huge salary package or a jump of 2-3 level in designation, ill-health.

Resignation, Exit Interview - Divorce

You tried your best to compromise for mutual growth, adjusts with each other but then thought that the things will not work and you should better go in different direction. Now, that the thought of "Divorce" has already crossed the mind of your that your employee has already decided to leave the organization and you are sitting across the table for exit interview. You can hardly do anything to change his mind but you can still make an attempt. Things have reached to this means that you have not done enough. There was no growth in the organization but there is a chance, though very save this relation.

Read the complete article at:

HR Department - Your in-laws

1.       HR Department can give you infrastructure, facilities to ensure that you give you best.
2.       They can make employee friendly policies, processes and procedures to ensure that you grow in the a person, as a professional.
3.        They can appreciate your work.
4.       They can ensure proper communication process; make sure that you are heard.
5.        They can give regular feedback, appreciation and recognition.
6.       They can give training to your boss; give coaching to your boss, if his management style is not good.


Just look at the employer-employee relation in this perspective. Your boss is your spouse. Your Team Members are your in-laws. Other Colleagues in the organization are your relatives. Doesn't matter what others talk about is important what your boss...your spouse think and talk about you. Before making cordial relation with your is important to have positive relations with your team-members. As you know people don't leave organizations...they leave bosses. Similarly, if marriage is not working...people go for divorce because their partners are not good. No one go for divorce because of the reason that their in-laws are not good...or their relatives don't like them.

Think about it and share your comments and feedback.

Have a great day and take good care of yourself.

Composed by: Sanjeev Himachali
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Twitter: sanjeevhimachali
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